Special Lecture: Paving the way for integrative medicine by systematic use of patient reported outcome measures

Event University of California, San Francisco

San Francisco, CA

Join us for a special lecture by Dr. Ingvar, who is visiting the UCSF Osher Center from the Karolinska Institutet Osher Center.

Speaker: Martin Ingvar, MD, PhD
Director, Osher Center at Karolinska Institutet
Research Group Leader of Cognitive Neurophysiology

Their group focus is on the science of the subjective health experience with a cognitive neuroscience and translational science approach. Their vision is to develop comprehensive physiological/biomedical explanations to the subjective health experience, whose mission is defined by the unmet medical needs in patients with a low subjective health experience/low self esteem or chronic pain.


Focusing on patient reported outcome measures instead of process measures (procedure content) or transaction counting (number of visits) is an important trend in health care today. This provides a substantial opportunity for integrative medicine to become main stream also in terms of reimbursement. As patient reported outcome measures provide insight both in the medical outcome but also in dimensions such as autonomy and subjective health experience the health care value delivered to the patient provides the argument for a gradual inclusion of integrative measures into health care. First five year results from ICHOM (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement) will be reported.