Anisha Durve, DOM
University of Miami

Anisha Durve headshot

Anisha Durve, DOM, AP, is an acupuncturist, Ayurvedic practitioner, Ayur-yoga therapist, and meditation instructor practicing at the University of Miami Osher Center. She is the first acupuncture and Ayurveda provider at the Miami Osher Center which opened last summer. Her practice exemplifies an integrative approach, as she incorporates many different techniques and modalities in her sessions with patients, including aromatherapy, marma therapy (acupressure), guided meditation, and energy work. She considers acupuncture to be a healing modality, whereas Ayurveda is a lifestyle and science that anyone can embrace through diet, herbs, spices, and a variety of techniques. Dr. Anisha especially enjoys helping patients work through women’s health issues and psycho- emotional disorders.   

 During college, Dr. Anisha was drawn to the field of acupuncture after spending time in alternative healing clinics. “I would see people coming in and out of the clinic, and everyone always looked so transformed leaving — their quick results were so inspiring,” said Dr. Anisha. According to Anisha, it was unheard of to have acupuncture services in hospitals when she was training, but now, nearly 50% of hospitals offer acupuncture.   

Dr. Anisha joined the Osher Center at University of Miami because she saw the potential to make a greater impact than she does in her private practice. “Through the Miami Osher Center, I have a team, a network, and a platform,” said Anisha. “What we do here goes beyond a practice — we are creating an initiative that can be replicated throughout the Collaborative and touch the lives of so many more patients.” Her goal is to open a community clinic that allows for acupuncture healing to be done in group settings so it can become truly mainstream.   

Dr. Anisha is making the most of what the Collaborative has to offer. She joins regular calls with acupuncture specialists at other Osher Centers to discuss success stories, challenges, and brainstorm future collaborative research opportunities. Dr. Anisha believes the Osher Collaborative serves as an exemplar of what the integrative health field can achieve. “There are so many integrative health centers throughout the country, but if we can create this movement in the Collaborative and show how to put all these pieces together, we can make a global impact that will benefit patients the most.”