Developing and Implementing Core Competencies for Integrative Medicine Fellowships
In an effort to train medical professionals to adequately counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of these approaches, medical schools and residencies have developed curricula on integrative medicine for their trainees. In addition, integrative medicine clinical fellowships for postresidency physicians have emerged to provide training for practitioners interested in gaining greater expertise in this emerging field.
Academic Medicine. 89(3):421–428, MAR 2014
Melinda Ring, MD, Marc Brodsky, MD, Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Victor Sierpina, MD, Michelle Bailey, MD, Amy Locke, MD, Mikhail Kogan, MD, James A. Rindfleisch, MPhil, MD, and Robert Saper, MD, MPH
In this article, the authors discuss the competencies and the task force’s process to develop them, as well as associated teaching and assessment methods, faculty development, potential barriers, and future directions.